Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bad Hair High School

Some people have bad hair days. I had a "bad hair high school". NO, not everybody at my high school had bad hair; most had cuts that were part of the times (late 70's-early80's) No, I mean me, personally. I had some of the worst hair in high school history.
It was no one's fault but my own. My sister in law, who is a hair stylist and cut my hair once a month, cut it EXACTLY the way I told her to. For some reason known only to God (or perhaps Satan) I thought my hair looked good that way. I had to have been more than confused. Delusional is the word that comes to mind now.
I had a shop teacher in middle school who could not pronounce my last name, "Busic", so he called me "Bush". Well, considering the way my hair looked, the nickname stuck. Some high school friends still remember it today, almost 30 years later. I mean, it got so bad, my parents had to tie a bone around my neck to get my dog to play with me!! People hung my picture beside trash cans to keep the rodents away--I was not much to look at, to put it mildly.
Then, it happened. One day, during the summer before I started college, my mom, sister and I were going to Newport News to shop at Newmarket North Mall. My sister suggested that I try a new haircut. I didn't have much hope for it, but I went along with it. When it was done, I liked it, and thought it was a big improvement.
That afternoon, on the way back from Newport News, we stopped at the ballpark to watch a softball game. As I walked from the parking lot to the ball field, someone happened to turn around and see me. Soon, more and more people were turning around and staring at me. Some began to jump out of the bleachers and start running towards me. I thought something was wrong, but it was all because of my hair!!
I am thankful that I got it changed before I started college. I no longer scared young children, and girls could actually look at me for a few minutes. One guy kept saying "You look like John Travolta" Well, that was not my aim, nor do I think I looked like him. But it really was an improvement.
Got a bad hair story? I'd love to hear it.
Have a blessed day!!


  1. I remember you having a full head of hair that was wavy, but I don't recall it being so out of control.

    As you say, there was aplenty bad hair to go around in those times...when I think of bushy hair I think of poor David H. aka "rolls." He sort of had a Kramer look going on. There were others, but I seriously dont remember your hair being so bad.

    Too funny about the 7th grade shop teacher. I saw him recently - he hasn't changed one bit. Really nice man.

  2. Would love to see those high school photos. Haha!
