Monday, May 17, 2010

Prom Night

While we were enjoying Jacqueline's graduation from Virginia Tech (more on that another time), many of the final Prom of 2010 were being held. Many of our friend's children were dressed to the top, and I hope they will have many wonderful memories of the special night for years to come. I have attached two pictures of my friend's children from their proms this year.

My Proms were not memorable occasions, at least not for many good reasons. For my junior prom. I was not dating anyone steady at the time, so I did not get a date until fairly late in the process. I had a good friend who ran on the track team with me, and her boyfriend was also a great friend of mine. As the time grew near, I still had no date. My friends had broken up, and it seemed to be all over. I asked her if she wanted to go to the prom with me. My friend T already had a new date, and M said she would like to go. We were just going as friends, which was fine with us.
Well, on Prom Night, we went to dinner, and M ordered a nice meal, but ate almost none of it. The food was fine, she said, but she was just not hungry. About five minutes after we got to the Prom. M said she was going to the bathroom. Except for two quick trips out, she stayed there pretty much the ENTIRE night! I learned later that my friend T broke his hand that night when he punched a wall because he was so upset that they had broken up! He was nice enough not to punch me.

My senior prom started off well. My date and I had been seeing each other for a couple of months, and I was quite smitten with her. Since she lived in the next county, no one else at my school really knew her very well. Dinner was fine, and the other couple at the table had a good time, too. The Prom itself was ok, nothing spectacular, but not bad.
When I called her to go out the next week, she said she was busy all weekend. Suddenly, she was always "busy" every time I called. I don't think we ever officially broke up, but I realized pretty quick she didn't want to see me any more. That summer, I started dating a girl who lived down the road from J. She told me that J had been dating another guy while she was dating me. I still don't know if that was true or not, but it seemed to explain her sudden "busyness". Years later J and I got back in touch. I performed her wedding, and we have talked a lot over the last few years. But, the whole thing kinda soured me on the prom.

My daughter enjoyed both of her Proms, and I even worked the After Prom her senior year. It was a Casino Night theme, so I was a black-jack dealer. Lots of fun.
How was your Prom/Proms? PLEASE share your stories-I really enjoy reading them.
Have a blessed day!


  1. I never went to a prom, neither did my wife. Both of our daughters never went to a prom either. I really have no regrets about it. Don't feel like I missed anything. A girl asked me to go with her to my Senior Prom but I discovered that she only wanted to keep an eye on her ex-boyfriend. Proms seem to be a bit over-the-top and materialistic with $300 dresses, Hummer limos, etc.

  2. Went to four proms, two with the same person:

    9th grade: Jimbo
    10th grade: Mark B.
    11th and 12th: Jerry D.

    I enjoyed the 11th and 12th grade ones, except speaking of punching, the guy we were double dating with senior year had a little too much grain alcohol and punched a hole through some glass. I think it was on the school property, but I can't remember for sure.

    As you say, sort of nothing spectacular, but it was memorable having to get all dressed up. My senior year I wore a dress that my mother wore to one of her proms.
