Thursday, May 6, 2010

Random Thoughts

A good friend does "Three Thing Thursday". I'll just call today "Random Thoughts"

1. The specialist said my sample showed nothing-surprise!-so I have to have a scope treatment done May 19th. Not gonna be pleasant, but let's hope it helps me feel better. I do not like taking strong pain meds, but right now it's about the only thing that gets me through the day.

2. Excited that I was asked to preach this Mother's Day at a church in Roanoke. Also glad it will give their pastor a chance to go to Louisiana for a mission trip. I miss preaching- I don't miss the administrative part of ministry, however.

3. Sarah Palin is easy on the eyes, but hard on the brain. Scary how many people see her as a leader.

4. Lawrence Taylor is in trouble again. Just another example that great athletes do not always make for greatness in society (Tiger, Kobe, Big Ben, on and on it goes).

5. BP was allowed to get by without installing the most modern safety equipment on it's rigs because our government has always relied to much on the oil industry itself, and politicians from big oil states, to police the industry. We are only seeing the beginning of what this ONE spill will do to the Gulf Coast. Can you imagine how much even one spill in the Atlantic Ocean off Virginia would impact the Chesapeake Bay? Not worth it, especially since the experts tell us there is not much oil in the Atlantic area any way.

6. A week from tomorrow, my daughter will graduate from Virginia Tech. We have already started cleaning the house, preparing for guests to arrive, and getting things ready for her graduation party. Four years have gone by quickly.

Well, have a good weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well, but hope that after May 19th things improve.

    The whole oil thing is truly a nightmare, much like some of those people you named...

    Congratulations to your daughter and to you and your wife, that's a major accomplishment.

    Feel better - sending good thoughts your way.
