Friday, April 9, 2010

Why Bother?

Why bother standing up for what is right, when it is so much easier to remain quiet and just go along with the crowd? Why say anything, knowing that even if you are standing for what is right and what your beliefs have taught you, that some will attack you, even good friends and members of your family?
WHY? Because if you and I don''t stand up for what is right, our silence is a quiet endorsement of the wrong-doing and evil we see around us. When we refuse to demand the truth and all of the facts, the lies and deceptions become accepted as the truth.
Don't let others speak for you; speak for yourself. Don't let others tell you what to believe; find out the facts and the truth for yourself. Be true to what God intended you to be. Live by love, stand up for what is right.
Have a blessed weekend!