Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tigers, Rebels, and Protesters

Today I want to just share some thoughts on current events; feel free to agree or disagree, but as the preface says, be kind.
1. I am disgusted by all of the gushing over Tiger Woods at the Masters. I can't enjoy the man's golf game if I can't respect the man. It is not my job to forgive him; hopefully he has already gotten straight with God and his wife. But if he wants me to watch him play, and wants me to buy products from his sponsors, I want to see a REAL, LASTING change- give it a year or so of staying home, keeping it there with his wife, and THEN we can talk about real remorse.
2. I was sad to see our Governor make the mistake of proclaiming this month "Confederate History Month" in Virginia. We don't need to celebrate succeeding from the Union, especially since the main reason we did was to protect the horrible institution of slavery. Nobody got upset about "states rights" until they thought slavery would be taken away.
I didn't vote for our governor, but neither do I think he is a bad guy. Whether you support or are against the proclamation, everybody knew the minute he issued it, especially when he at first failed to mention slavery, or that the South was WRONG (will we ever admit that?) to succeed, that it would cause an uproar. Why not just let it stay a dead issue?
3. Tomorrow the so-called "Christians" from Westborough Baptist Church will descend upon Blacksburg with their sick message of hate as they "celebrate" the deaths of the 33 who died in the VT shootings, and the murder of Morgan Harrington. They will be met by a thousands strong counter protest, showing that God is a God of LOVE, not hate. I had planned to be there, but my health will not permit me to go. Lets be in prayer for the protesters and the counter-protesters, that it will be peaceful, and that real love will win out.
Let me know what you think, or any other topics you want to discuss. If you like this blog, PLEASE share it with your friends.
Have a blessed day!


  1. I could not agree with you more on all of the topics. Larry Sabato/UVa said it best, and I can't remember the exact quote but it had to do with Virginia taking so many steps backwards that we were now second cousins to Mississippi.

    (Not that there's anything wrong with Mississippi, but I thought it was pretty funny, and accurate.)

    I hope you feel better. I love coming here to this little corner of the blogosphere. Everything you write is interesting, and often the story is so touching I find myself welling up with tears - good tears.

    You write about whatever you want, because it's all good.

  2. I thought we were second cousins to WV. :D Or is it that I HAVE 2nd cousins in WV (and my parents were from there)? Anywho, the South will rise again, or so they say, and while I love being a Southerner, I am glad the Union won.

    Tiger Woods - give me a flippin' break! Always thought he was arrogant - this just proves it. Don't care whether he plays or not.

    And any organization called a church should not be filled with hate (although many individuals in those churches are hateful & judgmental). Will be praying for the protesters to show love.

    Sorry you're feeling badly. Saying a prayer for you, too.


  3. Westwood is very very sad.
